Protein Petit Fours

Nutrition Facts
Preheat oven to 350. Apply non-stick spray/oil to the wells of a baking pan. Because traditional petit fours are tiny bite-sized cakes, we recommend using a pan with mini-sized wells. If using a silicone baking pan, place it on a firm baking sheet.
In a small bowl, mix together dry ingredients and set aside. In a separate bowl, whisk together liquids until well blended. Add dry ingredients to liquids and mix well. Quickly pour into prepared pan and bake until cooked through, approximately 15 minutes. Tops will spring back when lightly touched.
Remove from oven and allow to cool a few minutes on cooling rack. Release from pan and allow to cool completely.
To make a protein glaze frosting, mix reserved scoop protein powder with water until a pudding-like consistency is reached. Dip cakes into icing and lift out with a fork, gently tapping the fork to remove excess. Slide onto cooling rack and decorate as desired.