February 14, 2022
Protein Cauliflower Oats (CauliOats)

- 1 scoop (28.5g) Devotion Nutrition Angel Food Cake protein powder*
- 85g frozen cauliflower rice
- 30g old fashioned oats
- 2 cups water
- 1/4 - 1/2 C unsweetened almond milk (macros figured using ½ cup)
1. Measure out your cauliflower rice into a microwave safe bowl (I use a Tupperware one) and heat in the microwave for 2-3 minutes to cook.
2. In a small saucepan, measure or weigh out oats.
3. When cauliflower rice is cooked, add to saucepan with oats and add 2 cups of water.
4. Cook on stove on high until boiling, then reduce heat to medium. Stir frequently so that nothing sticks to the bottom of the pan while cooking.
5. Cook down until mixture is thick. It will cook down quite a bit. Make sure it's not overcooked and doesn't stir.
6. Add cauli-oats to a Tupperware bowl and add in about 1/4-1/2 almond or cashew milk. The mixture will be a little runny.
7. Pop in the fridge overnight. These will expand and be firm in the morning!
In the morning, heat up the oats for about 3 minutes. Mix in the protein powder.
Warm up the oats again for about a minute. Make sure it doesn't overflow! Stir.
Top with fruit, nut butter, sugar free chips or other fun toppings, and enjoy!!
Macros for base recipe ONLY (does not include toppings): 250 calories// 27g carbs// 5g fat// 26g protein// 3g sugar
Recipe and images by Abby Sink IG @asink6
*You can use any flavor Devotion Nutrition protein powder for this recipe, but adjust macros accordingly.