
Peanut Butter Protein Bombs


Chocolate Shell:


  • 2 1/2 cups, creamy natural, no sugar added peanut butter. I like to use 1 -1/2 cup, fresh ground and 1 cup Adams No-Stir for a smoother texture
  • 3/4 cups Creamed Honey (a honey in solid form) you may substitute with 3/4 cup raw honey. You may need to add more cereal at the end to make it less liquid.
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil, measured and then melted.
  • 1 measured cup of Devotion Nutrition's Angel Food Cake Protein Powder
  • 3 cups, crushed Organic Puffed Rice cereal. Crush first, then measure.

Nutrition Facts


For the Chocolate:

In double boiler or a tempered glass bowl over a saucepan, melt chocolate until smooth. The water should sit one inch below the glass bottom of bowl and it should be on a simmer, not a boil. Chocolate should not reach over 120 degrees F. Once chocolate has been tempered, add the protein powder and stir until incorporated fully. Continue to warm chocolate and stir occasionally for 10-15 minutes with heat on low. This will dissolve the protein into the chocolate and make it less grainy. Once tempered with protein, you can turn off the heat.

For the Filling:

In a mixer, combine all ingredients except the crushed cereal. Cream together peanut butter, coconut oil,  and honey. Once combined, add the cereal and mix on high speed until all combined.

In candy making molds or paper liners, add just enough chocolate to evenly coat the sides and bottom. Place into fridge to harden. Once hardened, add filling leaving enough room at the top of mold or liners to place a thin layer of more crushed cereal. Push the filling down firmly to compact. Add cereal and then cover with another layer of melted chocolate being sure all edges are sealed. Place back into fridge to harden.

Chocolate Shell:


  • 2 1/2 cups, creamy natural, no sugar added peanut butter. I like to use 1 -1/2 cup, fresh ground and 1 cup Adams No-Stir for a smoother texture
  • 3/4 cups Creamed Honey (a honey in solid form) you may substitute with 3/4 cup raw honey. You may need to add more cereal at the end to make it less liquid.
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil, measured and then melted.
  • 1 measured cup of Devotion Nutrition's Angel Food Cake Protein Powder
  • 3 cups, crushed Organic Puffed Rice cereal. Crush first, then measure.


For the Chocolate:

In double boiler or a tempered glass bowl over a saucepan, melt chocolate until smooth. The water should sit one inch below the glass bottom of bowl and it should be on a simmer, not a boil. Chocolate should not reach over 120 degrees F. Once chocolate has been tempered, add the protein powder and stir until incorporated fully. Continue to warm chocolate and stir occasionally for 10-15 minutes with heat on low. This will dissolve the protein into the chocolate and make it less grainy. Once tempered with protein, you can turn off the heat.

For the Filling:

In a mixer, combine all ingredients except the crushed cereal. Cream together peanut butter, coconut oil,  and honey. Once combined, add the cereal and mix on high speed until all combined.

In candy making molds or paper liners, add just enough chocolate to evenly coat the sides and bottom. Place into fridge to harden. Once hardened, add filling leaving enough room at the top of mold or liners to place a thin layer of more crushed cereal. Push the filling down firmly to compact. Add cereal and then cover with another layer of melted chocolate being sure all edges are sealed. Place back into fridge to harden.


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