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Ultimate Immune Support Capsules
Ultimate Immune Support Capsules
Ultimate Immune Support Capsules
Ultimate Immune Support Capsules

Doctor Formulated Ultimate Immune Support

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Our Ultimate Immune Support supplement is doctor-formulated, keeping in view the synergistic effects of all the important immune-boosting nutrients.

Nutrients play a prime role in boosting the immune system of our body. A healthy immune system promises to reduce the risk of infections, including COVID-19 infection.  This following information will elaborate on the benefits of different immune-boosters and their synergistic effect if taken all together.

  • Serving Size: 2 Capsules
  • Servings Per Container: 30

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

  • Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) 800 mg 889%
  • Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol) (5,000IU) 125 mcg 625%
  • Zinc (from 100mg Zinc Citrate) 30mg 273%
  • Quercetin 95% 400 mg
  • Copper 500 MCG per capsule (for a total of 1 mg of copper per serving)
  • Other Ingredients: Hypromellose Capsule (Vegetable Capsule)

Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C are important nutrients in maintaining a healthy immune system and so a healthy body. Copper in this supplement is meant to maintain the copper to zinc ratio in our body. All these nutrients work together to enhance the antioxidant properties, improve anti-inflammatory activity and boost the immune system of our body. The risk for Covid-19 infection can be reduced by keeping the immune system in good health. Even for the hospitalized patients, this supplement is going to help in reducing adverse clinical outcomes from a persistent lung infection. Although these nutrients can be obtained through diet, a daily dose of this nutrient supplement is also a good option to keep the nutrient level in the body at its best.


Quercetin is a natural pigment found in many plants and foods and belongs to a group of plant compounds called flavonoids. Flavonoids are present in a number of vegetables, fruits, grains, tea, etc. Quercetin is known to provide some health benefits and help reduce the risk of various medical conditions. To attain certain benefits of Quercetin, it must be consumed in a highly balanced diet or supplement form. Owing to its health benefits, Quercetin is one of the most common and markedly-researched flavonoids. People from all over the world take supplements of Quercetin for several reasons that range from maintaining general health, to boost immunity, and fighting inflammation.

  •   Anti-inflammatory effects: Free radicals are produced in our body through various chemical reactions and can increase the risk of disease by their tissue-damaging effects. Free radicals not only damage your cellular apparatus but also lead to the activation of genes that promote inflammation. Inflammation is a natural response of the body toward any injury or stress. Although the inflammatory process is important in the process of healing, continuous or recurrent inflammation is associated with health problems such as certain cancers and various kidney and heart diseases. Studies show that quercetin reduces the levels of TNF-α and IL-6, the markers of inflammation. 1

Since in COVID-19 infection, one of the most important factors that lead to severe lung damage and ultimately death of the patient is a persistent inflammation of the lungs. This persistent inflammation does not let the lungs heal up and so the infection spreads rapidly. Quercetin with its anti-inflammatory properties reduces the levels of inflammation inducers2, thus helps prevent lung damage. 3

  • Antioxidant properties: Quercetin is well-accepted to have antioxidant properties.4 Antioxidants present in our body are meant to protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. Basically, they neutralize these highly reactive or unstable molecules and convert them into stable compounds. In this way, they have been linked to reducing risks of heart disease, degenerative brain disorder, cancers, and certain infective diseases. Some studies have shown that quercetin has more antioxidant properties than other famous antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, or beta carotene.
  • Anti-allergic effects: Histamine is an organic compound. It has a central role in mediating allergy. A number of studies have shown the effects of quercetin in reducing the levels of histamine and thus relieving allergic symptoms. 5
  • Anti-cancer properties: Analysis has proved the beneficial effects of quercetin in the prostate, liver, lung, breast, blood, bladder, colon, and lymphoid cancer. A lot of researches and analysis are going on, so that quercetin can be recommended as a treatment for cancer.6
  • Reduce the risk of degenerative brain defects: Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are suggested to be prevented owing to the antioxidant properties of quercetin. 7
  • May help in hypertension:  High blood pressure is the cause of many heart diseases. Quercetin is proved to have a relaxing effect on blood vessels. In research studies, both systolic and diastolic blood pressures are seen to be reduced after regular intake of quercetin. 8
  • Delays aging process
  • Improves exercise performance
  • May aid sugar control


Zinc is an essential nutrient that is present in trace amounts in our bodies. It’s the second most abundant trace element in our body. Our bodies are unable to make zinc, so it must be provided from outside. Zinc is essential for a variety of purposes in our body including gene expression, enzymatic reaction, wound healing, DNA synthesis, protein synthesis, growth and development, and most importantly, immune function. Naturally, zinc is found in a vast variety of animal and plant foods. Over 300 enzymes use zinc as a cofactor to carry out various metabolic reactions.9 Studies also showed that zinc is crucial for taste and smell sensation. Because of its crucial role in immune function, zinc is usually a component of many medicines.

Zinc boosts your immune system.  Zinc helps our body stay strong. The immune cells in our body need zinc to function properly. So, a body deficient in zinc may have a weakened immune response. Our immune cells need proper cell signaling that is brought over by zinc. Zinc has multiple effects on different aspects of the immune system, ranging from the role in the skin barrier to gene regulation in immune cells. Your body demonstrates two types of immunity. First is the natural or innate type, that you are born with. This includes simple defense mechanisms such as skin barrier etc. The second type is acquired which develops with time when your body is exposed to different pathogens and the immune system fights with them. Zinc is crucial for the normal development and function of both natural and acquired immunity. Due to its antioxidant properties, zinc also has a role in stabilizing membranes.  Macrophages and neutrophils are part of the immune system and they also depend on zinc for their activation and proper functioning. When zinc is deficient, these immune functions are not carried out properly and thus leads to immune dysfunction. 10

According to WHO guidelines regarding COVID-19, a healthy immune system can help prevent your body from catching the severe infection even if you get exposed to this novel coronavirus.11 A healthy immune system means less chance of infection or less damage after the infection. Researches showed that zinc supplements significantly reduce the risk of bacterial and viral infections and promote an active and fruitful immune response. 12

Other potential benefits of zinc
Zinc has numerous other health benefits such as

  • Wound healing
  • Reduces risk of certain age-related diseases
  • Reduces inflammation
  • May have a role in the treatment of acne
  • Helps in the treatment of burns


Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a lot of important roles in our body.  Vitamin D is known to have special effects on immune system health and integrity. To combat infections, your immune system must be fully mature and well-functioning. Vitamin D is evident to play a very important role in promoting immune responses. This vitamin has two important properties; anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory. This vitamin is known to boost the function of various immune cells including lymphocytes and macrophages, thus helps protect our body from infections including Covid-19 infection. 13

Recent research studies have suggested that the body deficient in vitamin D is associated with an increased risk for different infections, diseases, and immune disorders. Low levels of the vitamin are linked with increased risk of certain respiratory diseases including asthma, COPD, tuberculosis, and Covid-19 in general.14   The most important conclusion of these researches has shown the link of lung dysfunction in vitamin D deficiency which negatively affects our body’s ability to fight against respiratory infections.

A recent study has shown that in patients of COVID-19, the blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D of 30ng/mL is very helpful in preventing the chances of adverse clinical outcomes and decreases the mortality rate in hospitalized patients. 15

Vitamin C is famous for its antioxidant and immunogenic properties. This vitamin helps boost our immunity in a lot of ways. It boosts the production of lymphocytes and phagocytes that are part of the immune system and protect the body from various infections.16 Remember the free radicals we discussed above, vitamin C helps in protecting the immune cells from damage caused by free radicals. Skin is the first barrier to pathogens. Vitamin C is actively transported to the skin surface where it becomes a part of the skin’s defense system and makes the skin barrier stronger. Studies have provided evidence that regular intake of vitamin C is linked with shortened healing time in general. In respiratory infections such as COVID-19 infection, normal vitamin C levels may help in healing and recovering from damage caused by this viral infection.

Nutrients in our bodies are part of an interconnected web that work together and are in a complex relationship with each other. Our bodies don’t have proper storage systems for both zinc and copper. So, a regular and balanced intake of both of these nutrients is essential. Zinc and copper work in much the same way but also impart antagonist effects on each other. This means if zinc is too high, it causes copper concentration to become too low and vice versa. This is because of the fact that both the nutrients compete with each other for absorption in the intestines. On the other hand, copper is also a vital co-factor in many enzymatic systems including those involved in antioxidant defense and immune function.17 Free radicals need an antioxidant enzyme called superoxide dismutase that requires both zinc and copper to reduce the oxidative stress caused by free radicals. A balanced copper to zinc ratio is crucial to maintain the inflammatory process at the optimum point. An optimum point is said to be the point where the inflammatory process helps in the healing process and does not involve damage to the body tissues. A study in this regard has found that an imbalanced copper to zinc ratio is associated with a high inflammatory response in patients. Moreover, copper is also involved in the function of immune cells such as lymphocytes, neutrophils, and macrophages. This indicates its role as an antiviral agent that may be helpful in COVID-19 infection.

COVID-19 infection is caused by the coronavirus that mainly affects the respiratory system. The severity of infection ranges from mild to severe forms. In both forms, what plays a crucial role in combating the infection is our immune system.

As we have discussed the immunogenic effects of all these nutrients one by one, these nutrients in the form of the supplement have synergistic effects in boosting the immune system. For example, along with its anti-inflammatory actions, quercetin makes the zinc enter into cells by inducing zinc channels in the cell membrane and thus increasing the immune-boosting effects of zinc.18 This indicates that in the presence of quercetin, zinc works better. Vitamin C and Vitamin D both help in the maturation of immune cells, so they function properly.
A healthy immune system means fewer chances of viral infections in general. Since COVID-19 infection is a viral infection, it can also reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection.

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